Oh, great… another graphic t-shirt brand. That’s exactly what we need. One more misinformed half-wit printing poorly conceived aphorisms on clothing and accessories. Hip-hip-huzzah!
First… shut your damn face.
Second– and perhaps most importantly: yes. Yes, to the lion’s share of what you just said. Smart Alec Tees is indeed a new graphic tee brand, armed with enough amicably offensive t-shirts and accessories to make a real, substantive difference in the world (’cause that’s what it’s all about, people).
So there.
Oh, and third… shut your damn face!
Excellent question!
As we all know, being offensive is not nice. But we’ve also all heard (and felt) the platitude: ‘the truth hurts’… and, as painful as that may seem, it’s absolutely true! And it’s the reason Smart Alec Tees continues its good work– its magnum opus, if you will…
To tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth (so help me Dumbledore).
So if we’re being forced to define the term “amicably offensive t-shirts”, then we will say: they are fashion statements intending to make light of the heavy, complicated stuff. You know? It’s much like traditional comedy in that way, trying always to walk the fine line between totally cool and WTF?!
In a nutshell: when dealing with real ideas and values, humour is subjective (and too often exclusive). But we, like other comedic minds, do not mean to exclude anyone… we just want us all to laugh about it. The serious stuff; the silly stuff; the everyday stuff that binds us.
It’s all good, yo.
Another stellar question! And it isn’t one we answer without many months’ pause and deep reflection…
Without seeming too pretentious, we want to describe the mandate here at Smart Alec Tees something like: empowering everyday people to provoke important conversations (and to add some quirk to their wardrobe). If one of our products can help manifest and let loose even a small storm of ideas, then let’s call it a win.
Healing the world is all about baby steps.
Well… umm… you can buy some amicably offensive t-shirts, baby onesies, throw pillows and other Smart Alec Tees gear! And then wait…
We said WAIT! Shh… you’ll scare them…
Wait for the curious people to ask about… to feel compelled to…
“Hey, what’s the deal with that HIVE BLOCKCHAIN SHIRT?”
And so it will begin.
You asked how you can help heal the world, right? But remember: it’s all about baby steps… one at a time. Express yourself intentionally, and then accommodate the consequent conversations. And every step of the way, no matter how heavy it gets, you’d better believe #TheresAGraphicTeeForThat.
Peace out for now, homies.
If you want to join the movement, GET SHOPPING!
Or CLICK HERE to learn more about us (kind of).